John Hinners monthly column on kayaking the waters of Pamlico County....

May 12 , 2004

“For she is a Pirate Queen, tra-la…”
(With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan)

She follows a rousing pirate tradition. There was Grace O’Malley who was personally pardoned by Queen Elizabeth. There were Anne Bonney and Mary Read, who ran with the mediocre but literally colorful pirate Calico Jack, who was such a fine entertainer that towns pleaded to be “looted” by him and his card-playing entourage.

And now, Dawn Keller has burst upon the Pamlico County kayak community with "Pirate Queen Paddling". Though she is tough enough to be a pirate queen, no pardoning is necessary for this young seafarer.

The Pirate Queen Paddler

Here is how she got that way.

When but a slip

Dawn Keller
of a girl, her Cherokee/Celtic mother and German father, a renowned tracker and hunter, would give her a topographical map of her back yard, which just happened to be Linville Gorge, point to a distant feature and tell her, “We will meet you there in seven days”.

How refreshing in the age of video games.

In the rare moment she became unsure of her location, she would call Dad on a walkie-talkie and he needed only for her to describe what she saw around her to pinpoint her position.

As an adult she has instructed for Outward Bound and taught wilderness survival for the military. With a masters degree in indigenous literature, an ECU teaching position, EMT certification, including wilderness EMT and state Search and Rescue, she makes those previous pirates Grace, Anne, and Mary look like underachievers.

Now add to all that the Water-Tribe Challenge Races she paddles. In the last one, just this April, she became one of six people ever to finish a class-2 race of over 300 miles of open water from north of Tampa to south of Key Largo. The six foot waves, circling sharks, and salt-water crocs would have sent poor Calico Jack running to Mama.

Her next sponsored expedition will find her in a 19-foot kayak plying the Pacific from the US border, down the Baja coast, rounding the very tip into the Sea Of Cortez. Want to come along? Sorry, its strictly solo. Maybe in 2005 when she paddles in Papua New Guinea?

Dawn's Pirate Queen van and trailer pulls a flotilla of kayaks.

In between those extreme adventures, Dawn Keller is now providing guided trips on our local waters. Her new business is appropriately enough called "Pirate Queen Paddling", offering everything from half-day drifts to extended adventures. Dawn is ready to keep you safe and entertained on your next kayak trip. Dawn Keller at Pirate Queen Paddling can be reached at 252-670-8465, or at her new web site

John Hinners provides Sea kayak instruction. Learn more at
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