It's Tuesday February 11, 2025

April 7, 2023
The 2023 NC State SailPack Regatta is April 22-23. Dana Magliola, head coach of North Carolina State’s SailPack sailing team, writes in to about the regatta – and continuing to make it happen every year in Oriental.
We love coming to Oriental each spring for training and to host our big collegiate regatta – the SailPack Oriental Intercollegiate – each April. The event has become a staple in the national college sailing spring calendar and a favorite regatta for teams from all over the country. College sailing coaches and student-athletes love the warm welcome they receive from Oriental, and many teams stay as guests with members of the community who help us house competitors each spring. The wonderful food, great North Carolina BBQ, and warm hospitality are hallmarks of the event and a reason people line up each year, often on a waiting list, to come to Oriental and participate.
Many of you may know that the NC State Sailing program is a wholly volunteer-run organization, from our student leaders to our volunteer coach to our alumni and community mentors. We are not like football or basketball. We receive only a few thousand dollars a year from the University, which covers a fraction of our overall travel and competition expenses. Fundraising helps us make ends meet, and that financial support also helps us host events like the SailPack Oriental or our fall women’s regatta in Raleigh.On my March Spring Break Training trip to Oriental, several folks asked how they could help our team, and the best answer I have for them is simply to donate. Donations help support two key things: building a nationally competitive college sailing program, and using sailing and sportsmanship to grow and develop our student-athletes into confident, responsible, and principled young leaders by the time they graduate from our program.
A view from the 2022 Sailpack regatta in OrientalSailing creates community, so we’re pulling together our supporters and inviting more to join us.
If you’d like to become a member of the SailPack, we’re creating an annual membership which will help support our program. If you’d like we’ll recognize you as a supporter on our website, at our regattas, and on (but of course, only if you want). We’ll keep in touch with updates on our team and all things happening with our program, too (again, only if you want). With your membership donations, we will continue to put our everything into this program to make you and our entire community proud. You will know that you’re a part of something important happening right here and now, something bigger than sailing.Thank you for all of the help and support you’ve given us as a community since we first started coming to Oriental in 2015, and thank you in advance for your continued kindness. Our students and our program would not as successful without you and without Oriental.