It's Thursday September 19, 2024 Dock Quote: “You want a...
News From The Village Updated Almost Daily
Santa rides through town with Station 19 Fire Department Dec 14, 15, & 16. Santa visits a different neighborhood each night. They leave the station at 4:30p and visit a different neighborhood each evening.
Station 19 will try to visit as many streets as possible though weather/emergencies/street size may prohibit getting to everyone. If you have kids/grandkids and live on a remote/small street, consider standing (or sitting in a warm car) at the end of your road.
The neighborhood schedule is:
Thursday 12/14: Other side of the bridge (Sail Loft, Raccoon, Horton etc.), China Grove, Janeiro Rd, Teaches Cove, Kershaw
Friday 12/15: White Farm, Dolphin Point, Orchard Creek, Pamlico Rd, River Dunes
Saturday 12/16: Village of Oriental, Midyette St, Silverbrook, Blackwell Pt
Rain date is Sunday, December 17.
For the complete list of What's Happening click here...