It's Sunday September 15, 2024
January 9, 2024
Oriental’s public spaces need upgrades to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To help determine what needs to be done where, the Town contracted an engineering firm to survey Oriental’s public spaces.The report has come in, listing ten areas and their necessary upgrades. Commissioner Breena Litzenberger writes in asking for public input on where to begin.
Dear Residents of Oriental,In the upcoming Town Board Workshop we are discussing a number of issues that could impact you.
One of those issues is the upcoming ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrade project.
In 2023, an Accessibility Report was completed for Oriental’s public areas. It highlighted the public spaces that need upgrades to become compliant with the ADA.
(The ADA is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities.)
For our residents and visitors with mobility, vision, or other challenges, I’d like to know which of these areas the Town Board should consider prioritizing.
We want to hear from the people these upgrades would impact the most, as well as their friends, family members, and caregivers.
What places do you frequent? Do you or others you know face challenges when visiting town sites? Is there an issue not raised in the report that you’d like to draw our attention to? We’d like to know.
Please take a few moments to review the attached report and fill out the short survey [links below]. As always, if you are available, we would love to see you at the Town Board Workshop on January 25th at 8AM at Town Hall.
I believe I speak for all commissioners when I say we are committed to making Oriental a welcoming and accessible place for everyone.
Thank you,
P.S. Commissioners are also talking about CAMA’s proposed regulations and how they may impact municipal zoning.
Breena Litzenberger welcomes correspondence on this subject and others. Please limit your letter to 500 words. Send your letter to No anonymous letters will be accepted. Well-made, civilly-spoken points welcomed. Please include the city & state where you live. If you cc TownDock letters you send to government officials, they may be included in the Letters column. (Such correspondence to government – town, county, state federal – is part of the public record.) |