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Letters: Look Out for 'Humps'
Turtles on the move
April 14, 2021

pring brings out the creeping, crawling, and slower moving animals in our area. One resident asks drivers to exercise caution on the roads. Another says lend a hand.

a small box turtle crossing two yellow lines on an asphalt road
To hell with slowing down for these timeless creatures.  Stop your damn  vehicle, bicycle, golf cart, skate board, tractor, or feet (and not in the middle of the road) and move these special beings to the other side of the road well beyond the painted line.

Just saying… They would do the same for you if they could.

Jim Kellenberger
Oriental, NC
April 14, 2021
We’ve been here almost 20 years & I have never felt the need to send a letter to Town Dock.

But now I feel it is important to remind folks driving our highways in Spring to be on the lookout for “humps” on the highway, which are poor turtles merely trying to cross the street.

I always slow if I see one and try to stop traffic behind me until he is safely across.  Yesterday a young fellow came from the side of the road and picked up the turtle who was halfway across 55.  Thank heaven for folks like him!  Please give these beautiful creatures a chance at life.

Thank you,

Penny Monell
Oriental, NC
April 13, 2021

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