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Letters: The Dock Cats of Hodges Street
A few too many felines
July 19, 2024

here’s always been cats around the seafood docks. But in the last year or so, the population has grown significantly. Mary Hiatt writes in with a plan to keep the colony healthy and the population small.

I am writing to raise awareness about, and support for, the stray cats and kittens living at the docks along Oriental’s harbor. While there are about 10 cats now, cats are prolific breeders, and without being spayed or neutered, this colony could double or even triple in less than a year.

While these “community” cats are being fed by the owner of the fishing docks and a good-hearted neighbor, they need to be sterilized to stop the reproduction and vaccinated to ensure the health of these cats, other free-roaming pets, and people.

By way of background, I have 25+ years’ experience in cat rescue and am a volunteer with the Pamlico Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) and Purring Angels.

Together with volunteers from both rescues, a handful of concerned neighbors, Dr. Sherri Hicks (Oriental Village Veterinary Hospital), and Craven-Pamlico Animal Services (veterinarian, Dr. Tanya Osler, and Animal Control Officer, Mr. Berkley Hill), we have a plan to trap, sterilize, and vaccinate the dock cats.

Cats that can be socialized will be available for adoption while all others will be released back to their dock home. This is the best option for the cats that can’t be socialized because we do not have anywhere else for them to go and they will continue to do their rodent patrol jobs, much like barn cats.

Trapping will begin in mid-August and hopefully only take 1-2 days. No cats will be harmed in the trapping process and cats that need additional medical care (for example, if they have a wound), will be treated during their spay/neuter surgery.

The cost of spaying/neutering and vaccinating these cats will be borne entirely by donations and this is where I am asking for your help. While costs vary based on spays vs neuters, we anticipate needing to raise at least $1,000.

Every day in the US, over 1500 cats and 1000 dogs are euthanized. If you are an animal lover, you probably understand that spay-neuter is the solution for pet homelessness and euthanasia in shelters.

But many people ask “why should I care?” First, it actually costs taxpayers less to get cats fixed than to round them up and euthanize them in a shelter. Moreover, sterilization keeps cats from fighting, spraying gardens and around homes and businesses, and other nuisance behaviors.

Please help us stop this endless cycle of reproduction by making a donation to help us spay/neuter and vaccinate the dock cats.

You can donate online via PAWS (www.pamlicopaws.net) or by sending a check to PAWS, PO Box 888, Oriental, NC 28571. Please note that the donation is for ‘Dock Cats’. All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you and please email me (mehiatt@gmail.com) if you have questions or would like to help with this effort.

Mary Hiatt
Oriental, NC
July 19, 2024

We are delighted to report that we have far exceeded our goal for funds to spay, neuter, and vaccinate the dock cats. 

We are humbled by the generosity of our community and the outpouring of support not just in money but also in offers to assist with the trapping initiative.  PAWS has kindly agreed to hold any remaining funds for future dock cat needs.  New cats will inevitably appear and some cats may become ill or injured. 

Thanks to your generosity, we will have the funds to help these and future animals in need.

Mary Hiatt
Oriental, NC
July 25, 2024

Related Links
Donate to PAWS
Purring Angels Cat Rescue

Learn more about the importance of spay and neuter and Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR), from Purring Angels:

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