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It's Tuesday October 8, 2024

News From The Village Updated Almost Daily

Thank You, Friends & Community
After all, this is Oriental
April 15, 2020

On April 8, Oriental resident Ken Laser lost his brother to the Coronavirus.

To you all,

I am the eldest of three brothers. Twenty five years ago, when my middle brother died, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and grieve alone. I expected that the same would be true when my brother, Mark, died last week from the Coronavirus, but I was mistaken. My friends, my community of Oriental, reached out to comfort me in a way I had not experienced before. The emails, calls and cards touched me and helped me to not withdraw.

I want to thank you all for your kindness and warm concern for me and my family. I shouldn’t have been surprised, after all, this is Oriental.

Ken Laser
Oriental, NC

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