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Letters: The Trickle Down Effect
An idea to help restaurant staff
March 28, 2020

ost folks are getting a $1,200 check soon (as part of the Coronavirus Stimulus Package). What if you don’t really need that money? A reader writes in:

To the Editor:

When the announcement came that we were each getting a $1200 dollar check my wife said we don’t need it. That led to how can we distribute it to the many people who are out of work, out of sight and need help. Mainly the staff at the restaurants who work for tips. Take out orders only help those still working.

With managements’ help, I’d like to see tip jars in every restaurant designated for all employees, working or not. My wife and I will contribute $200 a week to the establishments we frequent until the money is gone. Together we can help sustain an industry that’s a large part of our lives. We’re also not forgetting about those people who provide services who have been forced to close their doors.


Dave Tooley
Oriental, NC
March 28, 2020

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