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Forty+ Boats on New Year's Day
2020 Instead of Football Regatta
January 4, 2020

easonable weather and good winds brought 40+ boats out to the 2019 New Year’s Day Instead of Football Regatta. In its 27th year, the regatta welcomes all boats – sail or not – in all weather conditions.

Instead of Football Regatta
Over forty vessels took part in the regatta.
Instead of Football Regatta
Sails full, three boats try to overtake the others.

Organizer Nelda Coats counted at least 46 boats. Several of those had very large crews, out to enjoy the New Year’s day event. Sailing experience is not necessary – it’s a casual race around the marks.

And it’s the one regatta where the skipper’s meeting takes place after the race. Back on land at the Silo’s Restaurant, winners are chosen at random from a hat.

This year’s winners were:
1st Aquarian Sabre 42, Grady Bowers
2nd Moon Dancer Hunter 34, Sid Scott
3rd Betelgeuse Beneteau 40, Sue Pail

Instead of Football RegattaInstead of Football RegattaInstead of Football Regatta
The three winners, chosen from a hat: Grady Bowers, Sid Scott, and Sue Pail.

Chris Daniels, owner of The Silos, opened his restaurant just for the skipper’s meeting. He provided a pizza bar for attendees and said he served a record number of sailors that day.

Instead of Football Regatta
The Phoenix crew had a toga party.

There was one dubious honor this year; it was the year the Regatta took out the Garbacon Shoals marker. The proper calls were put in to the Coast Guard and a new marker was soon in place.

Instead of Football RegattaInstead of Football RegattaInstead of Football Regatta
The three most important makers of the day: the football marker, Garbacon before, and Garbacon after.
Instead of Football Regatta
Doug Carmichael waves from Godspede.
Instead of Football Regatta
Crew on Narnia look for the football shaped marker.
Instead of Football Regatta
Crew on Old Glory are either very tired or very excited.
Instead of Football Regatta
Spellbinder chases the pack.
Instead of Football Regatta
Avocet was one of the smaller vessels participating.
Instead of Football Regatta
Wind Melody
Instead of Football Regatta
Burying the rail.
Instead of Football Regatta
Alacrity (Christel Monmoine)
Instead of Football Regatta
Several vessels had home ports beyond Oriental.
Instead of Football Regatta
Three very different sailboats line up for the mark.

Related Links

Instead of Football Regatta 2019
Instead of Football Regatta
Scenes From New Years 2017 Regatta
50+ Boats in New Years Day Sailing in Oriental

Posted Saturday January 4, 2020 by Allison DeWeese

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