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Greens Creek Challenge 2023
9 kinds of boats. Only one rubber chicken.
September 18, 2023

ighteen boats set out to take the Greens Creek Challenge: race a course in Smith and Greens Creeks in light air while also hunting for an elusive rubber chicken. All in a small sailboat under 20 feet long.

Sailors as young as 11 competed alongside seasoned sailing veterans. Some competitors sailed for the first time and others brought their small boats with them.

Taking advantage of an available handhold.

There were nine types of boats in use: FJs, 420s, Lasers, Sunfish, Narrasketucks, Buccaneers, Wayfarers, a Zuma and a Melges.

All on the hunt for the rubber chicken – secretly secured somewhere in the creeks.

When the wind picks up …
This year’s winners are:

1st: Bob Slook
2nd: Izzy Humphries and Fiona Somers
3rd: Jack and Brian Burgess

Practicing maneuvers while waiting for the race to begin.

The Challenge is also known for its other awards. Those created from the challenges and triumphs of the course. Here are the 2023 Special Awards:

Breakdown Award: Don DiStephano, Sean Travis, Chuck Love, Joe Johnson (for dismasting their Narrasketuck 20 on a tree while launching from the WildLife Ramp. They still competed in the course best as they could.)
Single-Handed Award: Adam Phillips (for single-handing his Buccaneer 18.)
Young and Old Award: Jack and Brian Burgess (the father – son team featured the greatest age disparity.)
Stick-to-it Award: Bobbie Cochran (for refusing to quit or take shortcuts.)
Sculler Award: Rob and James Rivenbark (for sculling their sailboats when the wind was uncooperative)
Rubber Chicken Award: Jude Brown (for finding the elusive rubber chicken)

A chicken in distress waits to be rescued.
Adam Phillips and crew Desireè work to right their swamped sailboat.
Sailing to the starting line in light wind.
Chief Morale Officer Tug, ready for his lunchtime nap.
The various postures to travel in light winds.
Jim Edwards calls out the staggered start times for the afternoon race.
King was a visiting pup. It was his first time in a boat. His humans said he did well.
Fiona Somers jumps to reach the main sheet while Izzy Humphries steadies the boat.
Bobbie Cochran won the Stick-To-It award, for not giving up. Or giving in.
Cousins Savior White, Nehemiah Williams, and Isaiah Smith under sail.
Dealing with a daggerboard issue near the committee boat.
Don DiStephano and crew dismasted their vessel during the first race – as they were entering the water on their Narrasketuck 20. It caught in a tree at the WildLife Boat Ramp.
Wes Barbour gets his rigging ready on the beach at Bow to Stern.
First place award winner: Bob Slook.
Winds inside the creek were fickle: sometimes light and sometimes not.
Dillon Barbour cruises by in a Sunfish.
Capturing the wind requires a bit of a stretch.
Andrew Conolly and Scarlett Hansen take a minute and relax between races.

Posted Monday September 18, 2023 by Allison DeWeese

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