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The COVID-19 Vaccine In Pamlico County
Registration Must Go Through The County Health Dept
January 3, 2021

he Moderna Vaccine for COVID-19 has been received by the Pamlico County Health Department (PCHD). At this time the PCHD is the only agency overseeing the delivery of vaccine to Pamlico County residents. Vaccination will proceed according to risk categories or phases defined by the CDC and the NCDHHS.

The first vaccine doses were given by the Health Department to those in Phase 1a, health care workers that are at high risk for COVID-19 due to exposure based on work duties or are vital to the initial COVID response. CVS and Walgreen Pharmacies are also vaccinating those in congregate living facilities. The County Health Department and NCDHHS are assuring those working or serving in jail or prison will receive the vaccine.

The Pamlico County Health Department will receive more vaccine at weekly intervals and will oversee the vaccination effort in Pamlico County.

Local paramedic Eric Kindle received the first of two COVID vaccinations on in late December, 2020. Eric has a background in Medical Lab Science, plus Nutrition and Dietetics.

He spoke with TownDock.net about what’s in the vaccine, the side effects he experienced, and why he’s comfortable getting the second shot.

How To Get The Vaccine

In order to receive the vaccine, you must first preregister with the Health Department. The PCHD will formally register you within the State vaccination database, and you will then receive an email from the State DHHS informing you of your vaccination phase. Once you receive this information, you can call the Health Department at 252-745-5111 to receive an appointment for the vaccine. Currently there is no individual preregistration; you must work through the Health Department.

Currently only Phase 1b is open for preregistration. It is divided into 4 Groups.

• Group 1 includes persons aged 75 years old or older.

• Group 2 includes health care workers not vaccinated in Phase 1a and frontline essential workers 50 years or older.

• Group 3 includes health care workers not vaccinated in Phase 1a and frontline essential workers of any age. Frontline workers are those whose job is essential for the COVID-19 response and who work in a setting that puts them at risk to be exposed to the virus including: first responders, correction officers, food and agricultural workers, US postal service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, education and child care workers.

If you are in Phase 1b, Preregister And Get An Appointment Now:

1. Send the following information to: c19vac@pamlicocounty.org.
  • First and last name
  • Your date of birth (writing the month, for example: April 19, 1945)
  • Your email (Note: you cannot use a shared email; each individual needs a separate email address)

2. You will then receive an email letter from NCDHHS which will direct you to complete a registration form. Be sure and complete every question or it may delay your registration.

3. Within a short time, usually within a day – you will receive another email from NCDHHS regarding your Phase for vaccination. If you are in Phase 1b, call the Health Department at 252-745-5111 to schedule an appointment for your vaccine. If you are in a later Phase, wait to call the Health Department until that Phase is open for vaccination.

Once those eligible for Phase 1b are vaccinated, the health dept will notify the public about Phase 2, who will be included and how-to pre-register, especially if there are changes in the process.

The Governor’s Executive order regarding wearing a mask is still in effect, even after the second dose. NC Public Health Officials will determine when a mask is no longer needed. You will not be immune until several weeks after your second dose and you may infect others during this period.

Phases may be updated often. The DHHS web site lists the latest vaccine information and phases:

Posted Sunday January 3, 2021 by Keith N. Smith

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