It's Tuesday February 11, 2025

Oriental Issues Unconditional Surrender
Brave Dog Sent Forth
May 12, 2010
After two days of a Marine invasion, at 1800 hours Tuesday May 11, Oriental issued an unconditional surrender. Frightened villagers stayed in their homes while brave town dog Jack Smith went forth with the white flag of peace.
Holding a white flag, Jack Smith negotiates the surrender near the Blue Bottle Gardens.The surrender followed two days of jet strafing and helicopter gunship flyovers. The Marines were from far away (and foreign sounding) Camp Lejeune. A rescue from nearby Cherry Point was hoped for, but it never materialized.
Hear jets and helicopters (OK, some songbirds too) recorded Tuesday in downtown Oriental:
Photos of helicopters Tuesday hovering over TownDock headquarters (photos actually taken Tuesday from the front steps on South Water Street):
This spy-looking one made Jack particularly nervousThere were some casualties in the old part of the village. Salad greens and arugula appeared to have prematurely wilted, and dogs reported villagers looking skyward were not paying the hounds sufficient attention.
A brave TownDock field reporter went undercover on Main St to capture this photo of Marines planning a bombing run on the Duck Pond.A family was detained by soldiers in dark sunglasses, after it was discovered they were not recycling.
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