For the
past several weeks we've asked:
Whats your Caption for this Pamlico County picture?

AND THE WINNER IS: The Caption Captains here at
were taken by Mike Foster's bilingual approach,
Al Dente?"
Mike, we'll be shipping that can of Chef Boyardee to you in
Craven County soon.
The forlorn
Jeep has been sitting on the side of Hwy 55 for at least a half
year by our count. Perhaps longer. We wonder if the message
may be permanently imprinted on the windshield.
We have many honorable mentions for this Pamlico Caption.
Rose Peterson
of Vandemere wrote to say that she passes it every morning on
her way to teaching tai chi in Oriental. The Jeep, she says,
"always looks so woeful and lonely." Her suggestion:
"Pleeeease, won't someone come kick my tires??"
(We're thinking it'd be a gentle kick though...)
Chris Weinheimer's caption seemed straight from the Reluctant
Boat Seller's Handbook.
"My wife is making me sell it!"
Award for Most Optimistic Caption would have to go to Karen
Meyer who suggested, "Let's Roll!!"
More realistic perhaps, was Jamie Knapp's:
"Only the strong need apply."
There were some entrants who thought they saw a bargain:
"She may be past 40, but she's still firm --
and the price is right, too!"
-- Joshua Potter, Arapahoe
--- George & Mary Duffie, Oriental
But most of the captions focussed on the seller's unwillingness
to move on price... and whether the jeep could move at all.
"Jeepers, creepers. Anyone paying a $1000
firm should be infirmed!"
MB Strickland, Lake Lucern, GA
"Price Firm, Rust Negotiable"
- Buck Loy, Oriental
"Firm Price; Infirm Vehicle"
-- Marsha J. Wordell, Oriental
"FIRM STANDS FOR: Foolish Investment Requiring
Charlie Garrett, "Part-time Bean Porch Pirate"
Thanks to all who entered.