For the
last month both this sign on Kershaw Road and we at
have asked:
What's your Caption for this Pamlico County picture?

It started
life as a billboard that read "Buccaneer Bay". The
neighborhood up off of Kershaw Road is still with us, but most
of the sign is gone, perhaps carried away by some of the Winds
With Names that blow through here now and again. Part of the
sign however, has withstood time and wind. Your challenge this
month was to take that remaining "Buc" and come up
with a caption or poem or limerick for it.
So many entries came in --- both terse and in verse ---
that it seemed only fair to divvy things up in to a few categories.
There will be a Buc Poets Division, and a Buc Caption Division.
And one more.
Some of you took the challenge a step beyond. We received entries
that not only worked in the word "BUC" but also some
of the other words "WATER" and "AVAIL."
that can be seen amid the overgrowth. The judges here at
conferred and decided this third category was in order.
So, the Hat Trick Award For Finding Lyricism In
Real Estate Signage goes to Joshua Edward Potter of Minnesott
Where is this "buc(ket) o' water avail."?
In the bush, in the ditch,
Or in the house in a pail?
Honorable Mentions:
"Half a buck spotted on the water near Kershaw Rd"
--Gordon Pickett
We received a slew of entries, many of them playing on the theme,
"The Buck Stops here" However, our winner in the Buc
Caption Division thought some deer might not stop:
Wacky deer hunters try anything when the camo and dogs
don't work. But the does are too smart to fall for this one...
Cheryl Huff
We received a variety of views about what attracts deer:
Newest gimmick to attract male deer during hunting season.
John Hinners
The Buck stops here, Doe to follow. Patricia
From the Old West, Bill Marlowe suggested: "A used
buc board"
Real estate was on some minds:
No Mr. Deeds, we hardly ever get any hurricanes here in this
area, honest!
-- Gary Mastrodonato
"Partial Blurb for Parcel in Suburb"
Joshua Edward Potter
Reduced! Buccaneer Bay lots for sale- 75% off
Susan Conley
Susan emailed us on a Sunday evening, close to the time,
we noticed, that "The Sopranos" comes on. The
judges couldn’t help but wonder if that influenced Susan’s
other caption entry:
Oh buc! What happened to the rest of the bucing sign?
Moving on….
One stop shopping... everything here is less than a
---- Don Southwick Beach Haven, NJ (soon to be Oriental)
Slam on those brakes…
The buck stopped here Larry Doyle Reidsvllle,
$ The buck stopped here $ Susan Fishman, Morris
Co, NJ
(new property owner, Oriental)
The Buc stops here Doug Sligh and Mary Ann
and Carol Dixon and George Williams
Buck Stops Here Gus McDonald
The BUC really stops here Linda Turlington
The buc stops, hear! Bill Youngblood
The Poetic Justices at the had some tough
deliberations in the Buc Poet division, but finally declared
a winner. It is Gene Greathouse of Plano, TX and the Pamlico
High School class of ’63. Gene actually sent us two limericks
and self-censored the first asking instead that we consider
this one.
I once saw a sign that said BUC
I saw it while driving my truck
That sign was a mess
so all I can guess
Is that BUC was down on his luck
There were some other excellent Pamlico Poets:
Act now before they're all gone,
The agent whispers in your ear.
When you wonder if he's right or wrong,
For years and years, the Buc stops here...
Buck Loy (extra points for his first name)
The sky may be bluer,
And still very clear,
But we are still surer
The Buc stops here.
Bob Clyburn
Home, home on the bay
Where the buc and the caneer may roam
Where seldom is seen,
Any signs such as these
And the bushes grow higher each day.
Susan Conley
To our lasting disappointment, we didn’t receive any haiku
that worked in the word, ‘Nantucket". This limerick
however came closest.
Consider yourselves warned.
Tim and I a camping went
And found three maidens in a tent
They was three and we was two
So I BUC one and TimBUCtwo
(I* should be ashamed of myself.)
Keith and Judy Moore...FYTC/RRYC/GYC
(Ed: We’re not sure who "I" is)
Next week we unveil our Caption Contest for December. Send in
your comments, captions, and Pamlico Poetry to
Previous Pamlico Captions
September 2002
October 2002