We asked readers
- What is your caption for this Pamlico County picture?

the corner of Straight and Brown’s Creek there is
a pile of discards. A kitchen sink. Some rusty frames.
And a piano. Which you just don’t see everyday.
This one is an upright piano that has moved 90 degrees
off axis. It’s now a downright piano, prone on its
back, in high grass, some of its black keys having parted
company from the keyboard.

don’t know how long it’s been since notes
last rang out from the piano, but we got to wondering.....
What was the last song this piano played? What songs did
it play to Pamlico residents of long ago? If it could,
what song would it be playing now, laying at that corner
between Merritt, Florence and Whortonsville? A reworking
of “Do Re Mi...” perhaps? Can you provide
a song title? Or a stanza?
readers responded:
Sometimes, shooting the piano player is just not good enough........
Hiram Gallop
Every time I pass it I hear it playing "Come
on Baby Light my Fire" ......... Please?
John Hadricky
Merritt, NC
"Chopin Wood"
Allen Wannamaker
Free firewood by the "chord"
Free Piano: Reclining upright, no strings attached
Dick Bell
Suwanee, GA
Lost Keys?
Marshall and Laurie Eakes
I put the keys on the piano.
Jack Hollingsworth
Downright Upright
John Baker
S. Setauket, NY
There was a time when I played piano.........on the side!!!!!!.
Wes Presnell
Joe: "Know anybody who could use this thing?"
Bubba: "Yep. A good accordion player."
Bob Clyburn
There once was a piano fell flat on its back
yet willing to endure a stint on the rack.
It saw on the net
the Accordian Blast set
and is getting its life on a new track.
Ms. Cleo Young-Czuchra
WHEW!!! For a moment, I was afraid it was an accordion!
Mary Duffie
"To the dump, to the dump, to the dump,dump,dump!!!"
.........sang to the lone ranger theme song.........
Wes Presnell
al fine
(to the end)
Walton Haywood
Chapel Hill
Just dropping a few notes from Pamlico County.
Jane Hartman
Belews Creek.
Ancient ivorys in the tall green grass
Songs and melodies all have passed
Broken spindles and twisted strings
Death be not proud to even these things
But shed you no tears for my present condition
My song’s in the wind if only you listen.
Paul A. Matthews
Nashville , NC
strange piano, B-flat on my lawn.
C no one in sight, owner is gone.
D-tached and E-jected from the bed of a truck,
No F-fort to tie down, or just plain bad luck.
Gee...what a shame, wish it were a boat.
Come and get it if you want it,
I'll even throw in a C-note!!!!!............
Wes Presnell
No longer musically inclined
Kathie Bogue
The piano looks Sharp.
Jack Hollingsworth
"The Who" crashes Liberace concert
at Brown's Creek pavilion.
Steve&Cheryll Wenchel
Columbia, MD
I got the downright blues.
I got the lowdown downright off key blues.
Mitzi Treimann
Raleigh and Hobucken
I said , "DON"T play it again, Sam!"
Pat Thomaier Messer
Oriental and Raleigh
"Is That All There Is?"
Jim Colavito
“Thanks for the memories”
Deaton Yacht Service
Down and Out....of Tune.
Bill Cresswell
If I can't go to Julliard, I just won't play, so
Donna and Dick Mannion, Oriental
Take note.
Piano roll blues
Garbage of note
The key to happiness is not in possessions
Dean Lilly
WPIR Radio
‘What do you mean it can't be tuned ?
Pat DeBiase
Long Island, NY
“There was an old piano and they played it
hot behind the green door...
And now its history!”
Norm Hooben
Ozark, Alabama
Call of the Sea
I'm playing a tune on this old upright piano
For my lovely gal, Deanna.
Sitting here looking out the window glass
Tinkling out a song for my fine lass.
While gently stroking these black and white keys
I sit longing for the nearby seas.
I see the sailors from Florence, Whortonville, and Merritt.
I believe I will no longer be able to bear it.
I am packing my bags and abandoning you.
Time has come for a different life and view.
I am leaving to go sail the seas.
There will be no more tinkling the piano keys.
Yes, I must answer the call of the seas
And leave behind Deanna and the piano keys.
Carolyn Howell
and Out for the Count ... Two, Three, Four.
Steve Thompson
Springfield, VA
I wanna' hear it again, I wanna hear it again, the
Ol' Piano Roll Blues!!! (Roll????)
Bev Iverson
What? You've never heard of the "piano foresail?"
J. Schrauf
West Wardsboro, VT
Someone played havoc on the old pianny.
Walton Haywood
during the "Isabel Hurricane Party, the last song
played on this piano was "Trying To Reason With Hurricane
Season" by Jimmy Buffett (1974)
Bob McEachern
Richmond, Virginia
"Honey, it's gettin' time to mow the piano again."
"It's good to touch the green, green grass
of home."
Roger L. Cordes, Jr.
I think the caption should come from the last two
songs played on this fine parlor piece.
"As Time Goes By" and "Don't Get Around Much
Reg Piland
Beethoven is de-composing and so is his harpsichord
Dick Walsh
Soon to be of Minnesott Beach
I am not sure what the song was but if you listen
real close you can hear be played backwards. Why you ask?
Because it’s decomposing!
Karl Schmid
Spinnaker Point
Why can't you "Play it again,Sam ?"
and Pamlico Poetry are always welcome at
Pamlico Captions
readers have some brilliant creative minds - check out previous
Captions winners:
Tree Anchor"
Water Tower"
Pain Store"