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It's Tuesday October 8, 2024 Dock Quote: “We are inclined...

News From The Village Updated Almost Daily

Coming Events in Oriental and in and near Pamlico County

Blood Drive @ St. Thomas Episcopal - June 5

Give blood Monday, June 5 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 10a – 2p to honor Cheryl Thompson, former coordinator of the Croaker Festival (now retired from those duties).

Make an appointment by going to to www.redcrossblood.org to schedule. Enter zip code 28571 to find St. Thomas Episcopal Church and reserve your space.

The Red Cross is offering a $10 gift card (by email). Donors giving to honor Cheryl can choose from several donor gifts: handmade fishing fly by Jack Hollingsworth, gift certificates to Toucan Grill, soaps from Marsha’s Cottage, shell art, Dollar General gift certificates, hand made fired bowls by Michele Brooks, earrings and bracelet by Pat Ellior, gift certificate for the Oriental Deli, essential oils package by Nancy Piner, Mary K products from by Darlene Marquart, hand made knitted items, and more.

St. Thomas Episcopal is at 402 Freemason Street in Oriental.


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