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Letters: Not Without a Public Vote
Changing the year will change the terms
August 13, 2024

t August’s Town Board Meeting, Oriental’s elected officials take up the question of moving their elections to even years – effectively adding an extra year to this Board’s term. Jean White writes in, asking the public to show up and give their opinion.

Included in the meeting agenda for tonight’s Town Commissioners’ meeting is a discussion and possible vote on altering Oriental’s elections to move to even years. If done, our current elected officials’ terms of service extends from 2 years to 3 years.

While there are a number of interesting pros and cons to this proposal, the current Board was voted in to serve for 2 years and their term should not be extended without a public vote.

If voting years are altered for the next Board, citizens will be aware they are voting for Commissioners to serve 3 years. However, this extension should not be granted to those elected for the current 2-year term.

Hopefully households that have an opinion about this will be at this evening’s meeting and will sign in to speak during the public comments.

Jean White
Oriental, NC
August 13, 2024

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