As reported on May 16, Oriental’s Town Manager has proposed that the Town Board levy a property tax hike of 3 cents per $100 valuation. to pay the Town’s legal fees in the Cox v. Oriental lawsuit. (The Town Board has since penciled in a 1 mil rate hike.) Resident Dave Cox has sued over the Town for giving up two waterfront rights of way in the Chris Fulcher land swap. (The gist of his case: that towns can’t give up rights of way held in public trust.) The prospect of the tax hike prompted Joe Mattea to write.

As reported on May 16, Oriental’s Town Manager has proposed that the Town Board levy a property tax hike of 3 cents per $100 valuation. to pay the Town’s legal fees in the Cox v. Oriental lawsuit. (The Town Board has since penciled in a 1 mil rate hike.) Resident Dave Cox has sued over the Town for giving up two waterfront rights of way in the Chris Fulcher land swap. (The gist of his case: that towns can’t give up rights of way held in public trust.) The prospect of the tax hike prompted Joe Mattea to write.

As reported on May 16, Oriental’s Town Manager has proposed that the Town Board levy a property tax hike of 3 cents per $100 valuation. to pay the Town’s legal fees in the Cox v. Oriental lawsuit. (The Town Board has since penciled in a 1 mil rate hike.) Resident Dave Cox has sued over the Town for giving up two waterfront rights of way in the Chris Fulcher land swap. (The gist of his case: that towns can’t give up rights of way held in public trust.) The prospect of the tax hike prompted Joe Mattea to write.



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Letters: Town Manager's Tax Hike For Legal Bills
To Pay Defense For Cox v. Oriental
May 20, 2013

SUBJECT: Proposed Tax Increase

Like to make 2 points in response to the proposed city tax increase of 2-3 cents per $100:

· The action should be titled the “David Cox Ego Appeasement Tax”… I see this legal action by him and I think to myself, “here we go… Oriental is going to become another Fairfield Harbor”.

When individuals cannot convince the elected leaders with logic and discussion (I saw offers from Town Council members to show and explain to anyone the logic being followed), they start suing. Why do some think they are the only smart person in the community? Why do they feel their vision for the community is the only way to go… and, others are complete fools if they disagree?

· And now to beat up on the Mayor and Town Council about the proposed tax increase – these legal bills should be a one time deal (maybe carrying over into a couple of budget years). Why are we talking about permanent tax increases? Doesn’t pass the smell test. Makes me think they’re hiding other expense (personnel) increases and cost overruns.


Joe Mattea

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