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New Real Estate Firm Promises To Bring New Jersey Natives Home
"Back To The Garden" Real Estate launches in the village of Oriental
April 1, 2003

hree local women have banded together to create a new type of real estate agency. Many Oriental based real estate firms in the past have targeted residents of the northeast, selling the advantages of living in a small sailing village with a warmer climate.

“This has worked so well” says real estate entrepreneur Jane Tindall, “that it has created a glut of available property back in New Jersey.”

The “Back To The Garden” partners look at the brochures they have created to showcase low cost New Jersey waterfront

Jane Tindall, Rose Peterson, and Candace Young have teamed together to launch Back To The Garden Real Estate. Tindall says there are a number of reasons that will ensure their success. "You can find choice waterfront homes in Cape May now for just $80,000. Lots of ‘em. Everybody has moved south and left vacant property." Candace Young added "a lot of these Jerseyites are ready to go back. They don’t like grits and they think it’s too hot here."

Jane Tindall shows a choice low cost waterfront listing
The marketing plan for the trio is to hang out in area coffee shops, loudly complaining about the things that Oriental and Pamlico County lack. "For instance, I might say ‘you just can’t get good lip gloss here’, or ‘I wish we had a big mall with a Macys’ – just to strike up a conversation" said Rose Peterson. "Then, we go for the sale."

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