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2019 Sailpack Regatta
Hosts NC State win first place
April 16, 2019

C State has hosted the SailPack Oriental Intercollegiate Regatta for five years. This year, they took home first place.

Eighteen teams from seventeen colleges attended. Teams compete in the ICSA (Intercollegiate Sailing Association) sanctioned race, in boats furnished by Jim Edwards and his team at Bow to Stern Sailing. Dana Magliola, head coach of NC State SailPack, and a team of student leaders organize the event.

SailPack Regatta 2019
The team from William and Mary race toward the mark.
SailPack Regatta 2019
UNC Wilmington counterbalance the FJ.

Housed in homes and on boats, sailors and their families spent the weekend sailing the Neuse, visiting the Oriental In-Water Boat Show, and were treated to barbecue and live music on Saturday night. A light rain on Saturday did not stop the races, though high winds late Sunday did capsize a few FJs.

SailPack Regatta 2019
Trophies for the SailPack Regatta. There’s also a No Macho award given to teams that show good sportsmanship and selflessness.

This year’s top winners were:
1st NC State SailPack
2nd Jacksonville University Lady Fins
3rd Clemson University Tigers

Here are the complete results:

1North Carolina StateWolfpack182442
2JacksonvilleJacksonville UniversityLady Fins162844
3ClemsonClemson UniversityTigers403171
4Christopher NewportChristopher Newport UniversityCaptains 1433275
5Georgia TechGeorgia Institute of TechnologyYellow Jackets4963112
6Christopher NewportChristopher Newport UniversityCaptains 26350113
7MarylandUniversity of MarylandTerps6666132
8North CarolinaUniversity of North CarolinaTar Heels10951160
9U PittsburghUniversity of PittsburghPanthers10372175
10UNC WilmingtonUniversity of North Carolina at WilmingtonSeahawks47132179
11DukeDuke UniversityBlue Devils74125199
12Stony BrookSUNY Stony BrookSeawolves119101220
13Virginia TechVirginia TechHokies13298230
14North Carolina StateNorth Carolina State UniversityRed Terror130126256
15GeorgiaUniversity of GeorgiaBulldogs140121261
16Maryland/BaltimoreUniversity of Maryland/Baltimore CountyRetrievers123139262
17Penn StatePenn State UniversityNittany Lions134129263
18William and MaryWilliam and MaryTribe119150269

SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019
University of Maryland comes up to the high side.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Maryland speeds away from the turn.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Clemson heads to the windward mark.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Bailers are usually made from detergent bottles. But you work with what you have.


SailPack Regatta 2019
The Jacksonville team, winners of the 2019 SailPack Regatta, adjust the sails.
SailPack Regatta 2019
FJs approach the first mark.
SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019
SailPack Regatta 2019
Teams rest on shore, waiting for their rotation.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Georgia loosens the lines.
SailPack Regatta 2019
NC State surveys the field in a moment of calm.
SailPack Regatta 2019
RHIBs take sailors out to FJs to change teams during rotations. NC State gets a helping hand getting close.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Moving away from the windward mark.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Dana Magliola, head coach of NC State and organizer of the SailPack Oriental Intercollegiate Regatta.


SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019
Sailors in the calmer moments.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Jim Edwards, owner of Bow to Stern, watches the sailors return in the afternoon.
SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019SailPack Regatta 2019
Cleanup when the race is over.
SailPack Regatta 2019
The rudder must come off before going ashore.
SailPack Regatta 2019
Dana Magliola and the committee boat crew look over the results.
SailPack Regatta 2019
The No Macho award is given out for teams who exhibit good sportsmanship, hard work, and selflessness. This year, it went to the University of Georgia.
SailPack Regatta 2019
NC State, organizer and Head Coach Dana Magliola’s team, took first place this year.

Posted Tuesday April 16, 2019 by Allison DeWeese

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