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News From The Village Updated Almost Daily

Rolf Anselm, 1930 - 2024
Artist, Gadgeteer, Inquisitive Mind
August 19, 2024

Life story submitted by Rolf’s daughter, Tanja Anselm.

he family of Rolf Anselm invites you to celebrate Rolf’s 94 years (I just found out he played clarinet in a dance band in the late ’40s) with stories, pictures, some tears, and some light refreshments.

Born in NC, his family moved to Brockport in the early 1940s. He was so entranced with the canal, he used to talk his way on to the various barges and head on down the Erie Canal. His mother (Elizabeth) would go to the lock master to find out where he was – and give strict orders to tell Rolf to be home by dinner.

Rolf Anselm.

In grade school, he started to draw. He also got busted bringing frogs to school in his pockets.

When Rolf was about 17, he and his friend Fletcher Garlock decided it just made sense to take off from the BYC (Brockport Yacht Club) and sail across Lake Ontario and back. The Coast Guard kept track of them, and relayed their safe arrival in Canada. Remember – this was before GPS, before cell phones, before satellites.

He was in the Navy, was a chauffeur to “a rich older woman” in Buffalo, was a Merchant Marine, held pilot’s licenses for sea and air, owned not just one but 3 amphicars. He made a career of collecting, making and modifying gadgets. He was endlessly curious. He had an ear for languages. He could do a standing back flip with no prep well into his 50’s.

Rolf (right) pulling his weight and then some in 1947.

In 1997, Rolf and his wife Carol made the decision to move to Arapahoe. In 1998 they were in the process of moving from Michigan to their new place when Carol was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Upon Carol’s passing in 1999, Rolf became a Pamlico County resident.

Some time later he fell in love with Oriental, and was convinced to sell the Arapahoe place and settle permanently there. For the next 20 years, he felt welcome and at home.

He deeply loved everything in Oriental. He and I used to joke “there was nothing to do here”, and he would proceed to tell me about all the things he did and the people he would see.

He loved it all – The Bean, The Deli, Piggly Wiggly, the TownDock, and EVERY restaurant. He felt welcome. He especially enjoyed every boat that came or stayed or just passed through – each was a story to him….and the man could tell, and enjoy, a story!

He was still riding his bicycle (no helmet and no training wheels) until shortly before he moved back North in April, 2024.

Rolf in the reflection of his Fairway Flyer bicycle mirror.

Please come and enjoy a small bite, something to drink, and the kind of get-together he would have thoroughly enjoyed, August 25 at noon at Oriental United Methodist Church.

Tanja (Brian); Aubrey and Justin Kesel (Ross, Clark and Lillian)

In 2020, COVID kept Rolf from celebrating his birthday with family. His daughter, Tanja, wrote in with birthday wishes.

Posted Monday August 19, 2024 by Allison DeWeese

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