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StormPack Hurricane Relief Regatta
Giving back to Oriental
November 13, 2018

orth Carolina State University, along with Bow to Stern Sailing, has been organizing regattas in Oriental since 2015. After Hurricane Florence swept through, NC State Sailing organized a regatta and community clean-up event. Dana Magliola, NC State Sailing head coach said they, “hope to contribute to the recovery of this community that’s supported us so passionately for many years.”

StormPack Regatta
The UNC Wilmington team shifts from starboard to port.
StormPack Regatta
On the Neuse in front of South Ave.

Magiola said he received positive feedback from sailors and schools about the combination regatta/community service event. And so nine teams arrived from eight schools ready to sail on Saturday and clean up Sunday before heading home.

StormPack Regatta
Nine teams from eight schools took part in the Stormpack Regatta.

The schools in attendance were: Davidson College, Duke University, East Carolina University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Wilmington, Virginia Tech, William and Mary, and hosts NC State. University of North Carolina took first place in the regatta. On Sunday, the sailors split into teams, working in Oriental and in the county.

StormPack Regatta
The William and Mary team tackle South Water St and Hodges.

The next SailPack Regatta will coincide with the Oriental Boat Show. Magiola said several very competitive teams have signed up and looks forward to having the Boat Show and the Regatta at the same time.

StormPack Regatta
Dana Magliola, Head coach of NC State Sailing.
1North CarolinaTar Heels394786
2William and MaryTribe484290
3North Carolina StateRed Terror1090100
4North Carolina StateWolfpack4558103
5DukeBlue Devils55120175
6UNC WilmingtonSeahawks94121215
7Virginia TechHokies13098228
9East CarolinaPirates140159299

StormPack Regatta
NC State looks around the mainsail.


StormPack Regatta
Virginia Tech reaching for a line.
StormPack Regatta
Moving to the high side, and moving away from the mark.
StormPack Regatta
One NC State team bails out their boat mid race.
StormPack RegattaStormPack RegattaStormPack Regatta
Sailors reclaim their capsized boats.
StormPack Regatta
The second NC State team buries the rail at the mark.
StormPack Regatta
RIBs were there to sailors assist when needed.


StormPack RegattaStormPack RegattaStormPack Regatta
Teams had to change boats after the first race. Acrobatics were needed to do it successfully.
StormPack Regatta
The Virginia Tech balancing act.
StormPack Regatta
StormPack Regatta
Alexis Edwards rights a swamped boat.
StormPack Regatta
Davidson College practices the standing sail.
StormPack Regatta
Sailors from Virginia Tech.
StormPack Regatta
Sailors picking up fallen trees. (Photo Matt McCotter)
StormPack Regatta
Making firewood. (Photo Matt McCotter)

Posted Tuesday November 13, 2018 by Allison DeWeese

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